Finally my dream came true, I had started my journey towards cycling exactly 1year back with same event I had failed in it, because I don't know anything about cycling, Audax India and Different types of Events happened in it.
And then Anand Baid suggested me to join Hubli Bicycle Club after joining there I met many people learnt Cycling from them and got many experience from National and International Cyclists, but my AIM was only to complete my Goal which I had faild to finish in 2019 November 23 that is Goa 200 BRM.
For that I had prepared very well but I was not able to finish 200 Kms in whole year my maximum KM was 163KM I don't why when ever me and Prasanna Joshi deside to make 200KM ride it will fail again and again, but I had got many persons support for doing this I thank to Anand Baid Prasann Joshi Shettappa Pirangi Rajkumar Khot sir Anees Khoje Manjunath B Budappanavar thank you all for supporting me and motivated me to achieve my goal in Record Breaking Time of my life and thanks to Gulzar Ahmed for his support from Start point to End point, So now I can call my self a RANDONNEUR
# But this is not the End Still Many more to Come
#RespectCyclists #Hubballi Bicycle Club